To teach a child is not an easy task. His learning depends on his environment and company. We want to avail such better ones also. School education is a most challenging job and as a rewarding experience. Everybody knows that our school is a newly established school. But the main point is that we make him/her ready to face all the challenges of life. The management and the staff will devote the students of our school to have the courage to face the problems, learn to be humble in victory and graceful in defeat, to be responsible of their culture and patriotism with a spirit of adventure.
PH School came to think of educating the children in all steps of life with great responsibility and in proper care. The knowledge caught by their minds must be magnified and strengthen their mental capabilities to understand things in a better way with proper guidance and good training. We will avail physical training as a great importance. A soul can only develop in a healthy mind and a healthy mind can develop in a healthy body